n Chronotrophic effect - HR effect
n Positive Inotrophic effect - stimulate myocardial contractility
n sympathomimetic - mimic sympathetic nervous system
n Alpha1 (µ1)
¨ Ý glycogenolysis, smooth muscle contraction (blood vessels, genitourinary tract)
n Alpha2 (µ2)
¨ smooth muscle relaxation (GIT), smooth muscle contraction (some vascular beds), inhibition of lipolysis, renin release, platelet aggregation & insulin secretion
n Beta1 (b1)
¨ stimulation of lipolysis, myocardial contraction (Ý rate, Ý force of contraction)
n Beta2 (b2)
¨ Ý hepatic gluconeogenesis; Ý hepatic glycogenolysis; Ý muscle glycogenolysis; Ý release of insulin, glucagon & renin; smooth muscle relaxation (bronchi, blood vessels, genitourinary tract, GIT)
n Mixed µ & b properties
n naturally produced by adrenal gland as part of body’s response to stress
n low dose stimulates b receptors to Ý HR, cardiac conduction, contractility & vasodilation & therefore \Ý CO
n as dose Ý receptors stimulated ÞÝ vascular resistance & BP
n impact on CO depends on hearts ability to pump against Ý after load
n Ý HR, may precipitate ventricular arrhythmias in ischaemic heart
n Largely µ stimulation
n low dose b1 recepors activated, produces mild Ý contractility Þ Ý CO
n higher doses, inotrophic effect limited by marked vaso constriction mediated by µ receptors
n its major effect is on peripheral resistance with little direct cardiac action
n Ý tone affects renal arteries & leads to ß renal blood flow
n Ý BP at expense of impaired perfusion of peripheral organs & Ý cardiac work
n Ý myocardial O2 consumption
n naturally occurring precursor of noradrenaline
n both µ & b effects & dopaminergic receptors in renal & mesenteric blood vessels
n < 5mcg/kg/min - dilates renal arteries Þ improved renal blood flow Þ Ý urine output
n > 5mcg/kg/min - Ý CO with Ý myocardial contractility & ß PVR through b1 stimulation
n >20mcg/kg/min - Ý PVR & HR, predominantly µ stimulating effect Þ vasoconstriction acts much as noradrenaline at high doses
n synthetic catacholamine, a derivation of dopamine
n largely b1 stimulant effect \ acts primarily on myocardial contractility
n some b2 stimulation mild vasodilation
n stimulates myocardial contractility Þ Ý CO & BP
n has little effect on HR & PVR
n acts by predominantly stimulating b receptors (mostly b1) with minimal µ receptor effect
n high dose Þ Ý HR & ß PVR
n less chronotropic effect than dopamine, but Ý contractility effect
n useful in treatment of heart failure
nCombined positive inotropic (potent) & vasodilating effects
nreductions in preload, afterload & pulmonary vascular resistance
nphosphodiesterase inhibitor
nhypotension may occur from vasodilation
nused in combination with adrenaline or nor adrenaline, often for weaning
nmust be adequately filled to reduce hypotension & slowly introduced
n Both µ & b effect
n potent pressor effect by stimulating heart & peripheral vasoconstriction
n Ý BP
n often used post anaesthetic
nalmost pure b effect with action on both the heart muscle & peripheral blood vessels
nhas powerful chronotropic effect
nproduces dramatic Ý HR, conduction & contractility via b1 & vasodilation via b2 stimulation
nalso produces vasodilation of pulmonary arteries & bronchodilation
ncan Þ PVC’s & VT
nÝ myocardial O2 consumption
nSympathomimetic ÞÝ contractility, conduction velocity, automaticity & chronotrophic effect Þ ÝBP
nreduces bronchial spasm
nrapid onset
na cardiac glycoside
nslow onset of action, high risk of toxicity
nslow sinus rate & ß AV conduction used in control of supraventricular arrhythmias
nenhances myocardial contractility
nnecessary co-factor for the membrane enzyme Na+-K+ Atpase
nlack of Mg++ may lead to intracellular K+ depletion, unable to be repleted until adequate Mg++ administered
nintrinsic antiarrhythmic action
nNot an inotrope but a potent antiarrhythmic, frequently seen in critical care units
nprolongs action potential duration & increases refractoriness of all cardiac tissue
nNa+ channel blockage, antiadrenergic, Ca++ channel blockage & antifibrillatory effects
nmajor action is on AV node, causing a delay in intranodal conduction
nused in suppressing SVT & VT
ncauses some cardiac depression, but CI often unchanged due to vasodilator properties
n PGE2 or prostin
n vasodilator, antagonizes thromboxane A2 & inhibits platelet aggregation
n improves peripheral O2 utilization in critically ill patients
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