� Potent organic nitrate vasodilator especially of the venous system. Through relaxing the vascular smooth muscles.
� Dose related in dilation of both the arterial and venous beds.
GTN produces, in a dose related manner � dilation of the venous bed promoting peripheral pooling of blood, decreasing venous return to the heart and reducing left ventricular end diastolic pressure - preload � and dilation of the arterial bed reducing systemic vascular resistance (SVR) and arterial pressure - afterload. This decreased preload and afterload reduces myocardial oxygen demand and the vasodilatory effects of GTN on coronary arteries increases myocardial oxygen supply to ischaemic zones.
� Acute episodes of angina pectoris
� Management of angina pectoris associated with or resulting from coronary insufficiency, coronary artery disease, coronary occlusion, or sub acute myocardial infarction.
� Cardiac failure
� Hypertension
Nitroglycerine is widely distributed in the body and is rapidly metabolized with a short half life of 1 - 4 minutes. It is rapidly metabolized in the liver by hepatic enzymes. Nitroglycerine is excreted mainly by the renal route, with a half life of 3 to 4 hours.
� Known hypersensitivities
� Severe anaemia
� Patients with early myocardial infarction
� Hypotension
� Uncorrected hypovolemia.
� The use of Nitroglycerine in acute myocardial infarction or congestive heart failure requires careful clinical and/or haemodynamic monitoring.
� Use with caution in patients with severe liver or renal disease.
� Anticholinergic agents, tricyclic antidepressants and alcohol may potentiate the hypotensive effects
� Headache, a result of dilation of cerebral vessels, which occurs in up to 50 % of patients at the beginning of therapy. �
� Apprehension, restlessness
� Dizziness
� Muscle twitching
� Abdominal and retrosternal pain
� Nausea and vomiting
� Palpations
� Tachycardia
� Excessive hypotension
� Remove topical nitrates and withhold oral nitrates whilst infusion in progress.
� Record baseline H.R, B.P., E.C.G, and rhythm strip if on monitor.
� Monitor B.P./H.R with in first 5 minutes of infusion commencing, then at 15,30 and 60 minutes.
� If B.P. drops to or below 100 mmHg systolic or drops dramatically, reduce infusion by 5 mcg/min or stop it. Elevate legs to 45 degrees. Report to R.M.O
. � Consider haemaccel 100 ml boluses. Recheck B.P. in 2 minutes
. � Recommence infusion as soon as B.P. allows.
� When patient is haemodynamically stable, monitor B.P. every 4 hours.
� If refractoriness is suspected, or tolerance develops, consider repletion of sulphahydryl drugs with Acetylcysteine (Parvolex) given simultaneously Dramatic return of nitrate sensitivity will necessitate reduction of GTN rate.
� Administer O2, as V/Q abnormalities reducing PaO2 can be provoked.
� When infusion is to be weaned.
� Establish with physician time of oral nitrates +/- topical nitrates to commence, ie before infusion is completely ceased
� Reduce infusion each hour by 1 ml unless other wise specified by R.M.O.
Glyceryl Trinitrate - 50 mg in 10 ml ampoules
Nitroglycerine readily migrates into many plastics. To avoid absorption, parental solution containers, should be made in glass solution bottles. Some filters absorb nitroglycerine, therefore all filters should be avoided. A conventional administration set with absorbable tubing (most frequently made of PVC), or a special administration set which will not absorb any significant amount of nitroglycerine from the infusion solution should be used.
Mix 50 mg GTN in 500 ml 5% Dextrose (100 mcg/ml) Flush line (50 mls) Begin infusion at 5 mcg/min (3 ml/hr) 10 mcg/min 15 mcg/min 20 mcg/min (6 ml/hr) (9 ml/hr) (12 ml/hr) 30 mcg/min 40 mcg/min 50 mcg/min (18 ml/hr) (24 ml/hr) (30 ml/hr)
VIA SYRINGE PUMP Add 30 mgs GTN to 5% Dextrose to total 50 mls. Final concentration 600 mcg/kg/ml. Infusion rate 1 ml /hr-=10 mcg/ min.
Add 3 mgs GTN. to 5 % Dextrose to total 50 mls. Final concentration 60 mcg/kg/ml. Infusion rate 1 ml/hr = 1 mcg/kg/min. Usual dose range 1 - 20 mcg/kg/min (1 - 20 ml/hr)
Remove nitroglcerine patches prior to cardioversion to avoid formation of electical arc.
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